• An Introduction and an Explanation

    Hello and welcome to my website. If you stumbled across this on a search engine, I apologize. If you’re here from Twitter, I love you. And if you are a family or friend, I’ll be at that thing next Saturday. I’m bringing chips and dip. Can’t wait!

    So why the site? Well, I bought the domain last year and sat on it for a while. I could say I was busy, but the truth is, I procrastinate. A lot. For example, after years of thinking about writing, I finally submitted something in 2015 and it got published. I then proceeded to NOT submit anything for 3 years after that because…yeah I don’t have a good excuse.

    So late last year I started writing, submitting and actually enjoying it, which makes me wonder why I ever stopped. Oh yeah. The procrastination.

    This is my first site but not my first blogging attempt. I previously had one – The Licentious Howler and predictably didn’t keep up with it. Oh in case you were wondering about the name, it came from the geeky love I have for Final Fantasy 3/6 and this scene:

    Tee hee! Cyan why are you so cute?

    Anyways this site will mainly be about writing, but you may hear about my crazed love of horror, my tendency to repeat myself, books, movies, writing, and the tendency I have to repeat myself.

    Oh and I’m a person who encourages interaction, so please feel free to comment below if you have any suggestions, feedback, recipes or just a long stream of curse words you’d like to share.

    Can’t wait!