• 2021 Didn’t Suck

    A lot can happen in a year.

    Good stuff, exciting stuff, boring stuff – projects started and finished, major life events. However what we as humans usually tend to do is focus on the negative. At the end of the year, the mentality is usually “thank god that’s over with” but we usually say that EVERY DAMN YEAR.

    In 2020, I decided to do this silly thing I saw on Facebook where every time something good happened to you, you put a note in a jar, box, what have you, and then at the end of the year you look back on all the good things that happened. Aha! I said to myself. This will be fun. Looking forward to great things in 2020!

    Oh god, if only I had known…

    It still worked out okay (even for 2020). At the end of the year, It was pretty cool looking back on some of the fun stuff that happened (for the few short months fun stuff was allowed to happen) and even then some of my notes were like “My hair looked okay on that Zoom call” or “I now have a beautiful collection of pretty face masks.”

    But if 2020 was hell then 2021 was ‘2020 light’ with half the calories but all of the COVID, which made it hard to find good things in it. Even so, my happiness box contained quite a few more notes than expected. So here’s what happened in 2021 that made it suck less:

    • Joe Biden was inaugurated as President and I celebrated with pizza, beer and an impromptu viewing of Scream.
    • I finally beat Resident Evil 3. No, not the remake – the original game from 1999 that I had that I had never bothered to finish.
    • Also of note, I remembered the game existed in the first place. And that I owned it.
    • Even though I didn’t submit or write much, I still got published a couple of times, so thank ye writing gods for rewarding my laziness.
    • Thanks to vaccines I got to see my friends and family safely. And man, did I miss them.
    • I saw an old episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 I’d never seen before and can’t believe I missed. As a die-hard MSTie I am ashamed.
    • It was The Incredible Melting Man in case you’re interested.
    • And finally I survived.

    There were a lot of notes in there, believe it or not, but those were the highlights. And yes, 2021 wasn’t the most exciting time and much like last year, I had to look for happiness where I found it but hey, it wasn’t all bad. At least I should probably stop saying every year sucks.

    Except 2016. 2016, you’re still the worst.