
Greetings and salutations! While you’re here, feel free to browse around. You can peruse through the list of Short Stories that are either published or about to be, check out my brand new Podcast, read some Articles or just peruse my Blog and comment with a long string of curse words you’d like to share. It’s totally up to you.

Recent Blog Posts

Talking to Myself for Fun

2023 – Burn it With Fire

The Covid Diaries

Plotter or Pantser?

Hallmark Horrors

What I’ve Learned from 100 Submissions

How to be a Problematic Author

The Literary Hulk

How Silver Shamrock Caught the White Plague

You’re Not a Real Writer If…

2021 Didn’t Suck

Writer Math

The 100 Rejection Myth

Life is short. Make the Cheesy Potatoes

The Short Story Graveyard

A Nano Rebel Without a Clue

The Heartless Bastard

How I Spent My Quarantine Staycation

The Not-So-Cool Apocalypse

The Dissection of a 1990 Music Video



Behold my new Podcast – now available on several different platforms!